The key to a healthy lifestyle is a consistent workout and a powerful meal. The daily practice or training of strengthening the mind and overall body helps to control emotions and improve concentration in any kind of work. It is just about bringing together bits and pieces in life that will provide planning for a clear and concise future. Aligning thoughts will channel the mind towards any task that is set to be completed.
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What is Kundalini? And how can it be awakened?
It is defined in Hindu lore as the energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is activated (as by the practice of yoga) and channeled upward through the chakras in the process of spiritual perfection. Kundalini is believed to be power associated with the divine feminine.
Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as ‘Tantra’ or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism. There are total 7 chakras along the human spine.
“Kundalini’‘ literally means coiling, like a snake. In the classical literature of hatha yoga, Kundalini is described as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. The image of coiling, like a spring, conveys the sense of untapped potential energy. Perhaps more meaningfully kundalini can be described as a great reservoir of creative energy at the base of the spine. Kundalini can be awakened through Hatha, Laya, and Kriya Yoga.
It is variously called: Siddha Mahayoga, Kundalini Mahayoga or Sahaja Yoga (Spontaneous Yoga). The other approach uses intentional yogic techniques. The styles using intentional techniques include Mantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga, or Kriya Yoga.
Fundamentally the approach of Siddha Mahayoga and the Kundalini Yogas are different. In Siddha Mahayoga the guru awakens the kundalini and after that the core of the practice is the inactive and non-willful surrender to kundalini. In Kundalini Yogas the will is used to awaken the kundalini and to guide its progress. Clearly these are different approaches. Nevertheless, elements of each approach occur in the practices of the other. Siddha Mahayogins may use asanas, pranayamas, and other Hatha yoga practices.
Top 5 Benefits of Kundalini Yoga on Human Physical Form
1. Builds Strength
Because you hold each posture for an extended period of time (sometimes up to five minutes!), Kundalini yoga is a great way to strengthen your nervous system and tone your muscles. So when you’re in down dog or plank pose for three whole minutes and your entire body is shaking, have no fear! Your nervous system is toning. And the stronger your nerves are, the more you will be able to act in a cool, calm, and collected matter in the face of any situation, be it a car accident, big presentation, or family drama.
2. Improves Your Mood and Will Power

That “high” you get after a sweaty yoga class is a real thing—research has found that regularly practicing Kundalini yoga increases the production of Seratonin (the happy hormone) in your brain. Kundalini yoga awakens your inner willpower right at the core of your solar plexus (Third Chakra) at the navel point. What that means is that you build a strong heat in this region, which helps in digesting not only food but also past memories and self-doubt. We become much more able to process and digest events that happen and take necessary action immediately to eradicate things, people, or situations that are causing us more harm than good.
3. Lowers your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Studies have repeatedly shown that Kundalini yoga—specifically the deep breathing techniques used during it—can decrease the risk of hypertension. Long, slow breaths calm your autonomic nervous system and reduce stress, thus lowering both your blood pressure and pulse rate. practicing this form of yoga can help decrease cortisol levels and perceived stress. And finally, some research suggests that Kundalini yoga may also help prevent cognitive decline and ease depression symptoms. Also, we always have a gut feeling about something, but we tend to ignore it. Yoga gives us the ability to pause and listen to the message behind that gut feeling. It enables us to quiet down the mind to the point that our thoughts become still and we can feel what our heart yearns for, something that will be good for us.
For natural remedy on relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety, check out this post on Ashwagandha!
4. Enhances your Memory and Focus

According to research, Kundalini yoga can impact cognitive functioning, boosting both your concentration and memory. Even the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation recommends a Kundalini Kriya for improving memory retention. Kundalini yoga clears the fogginess of the mind.
When the mind becomes clouded with several thoughts, it feels like a cobweb of thoughts have formed and are difficult to untangle. And, with a few minutes of a rapid breath of fire or one-minute breath, the mind becomes crystal clear. We feel more alert, focused, concentrated, improved memory, and get the capacity to make sound decisions.
5. Boosts your Metabolism and Digestive Systems

Through the combination of breath and postures, Kundalini yoga is focused on strengthening your core and diaphragm. This in turn improves your digestion and has been shown by researchers to speed up metabolism. Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan supports ideal digestion by increasing the fire energy at the navel point and evenly distributing it throughout the body. It also works to keep the digestive organs strong and flexible, allowing for easier elimination.
Why is Kundalini Yoga so powerful?
Kundalini Yoga is a magical science that uses sound, mantra, energy healing, exercises and meditations to release trauma from the energetic body, which surrounds the physical body. It is this field, known as the aura, that holds wounds. Attracting abundance into your life starts in the subtle (energetic) body–not the mind. When we are able to listen to the whispers of the heart, we are able to tap into the magnetic force of the universe, which is love. When we live in that frequency of love, we feel gratitude. Like attracts like, and therefore gratitude attracts more gratitude.
Many people feel as if they have done everything possible to create the lives they want, however they still feel stuck. Kundalini Yoga is a technological miracle that makes the impossible possible through the laws of quantum physics and energy.
Quieting mind by aligning heart with our soul’s mission, and slowly everything flows. Our sensitivity awakens, and our intuition opens. We can let go of the pain of the past and the fear of the future by being present in the moment.
‘Keep up and you will be kept up’.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
The confidence you get from Kundalini Yoga arises from deep within. It does not depend on external circumstances. When we truly feel worthy of happiness and success, we are able to manifest our deepest dreams.
With regular practice, Kundalini Yoga helps us develop a profound core of prana–or life force–and a reservoir of love inside. Exercises like Ego Eradicator help to free the flow of energy through our body and mind. By working through and releasing the inner energy blockage, a corresponding release in our life, thinking, and our spirit also occurs. This parallel of micro and macro is the secret power of how Kundalini Yoga enables us to create the lives we desire. When we are cleared of wounds and vibrating in the frequency of love, we attract more love.
Is Kundalini Yoga Good For Anxiety?
Yoga and meditation will help a mind to slow down the excessive and normal thought process and help you focus on one single aspect. Meditation is a procedure of cleansing the mind and taking out the garbage in the subconscious.
These three Kundalini practices passed down by Yogi Bhajan, the master of Kundalini Yoga, will help you release conscious and subconscious fears that cause stress, worry, and anxiety. Meditation for emotional balance, for a stable self and to remove the fear of the future.
What are the stages of a Kundalini Awakening?
Traditionally, it is believed that there are four different stages in the Kundalini Process:
- Awakening Stage (Arambha)
- Cleansing Stage (Ghata)
- Absorption Stage (Parichaya)
- Final Stage (Nishpatti)
1. Awakening Stage
“Stop creating”
Once you start your journey through chakras, the first chakra/wheel that needs to be opened is Brahma chakra or Brahma knot. In Hinduism, Brahma is one of the Trimurtis who is commonly called as the creator, his job is to create. It gets open when you stop to create, be it child, money, name, fame, relationship, or any materialistic thing in the world. This happens when you stop to create anymore karmas of any form.
2. Cleansing Stage
“Letting it go”
This is the second chakra and it’s called Vishnu Chakra. Vishnu is the protector. His job is to protect whatever has been created. This knot gets opened when you don’t wish to retain whatever you have created. Be it relationship, enmity, materialistic things etc. It happens when you let go and align with the nature. Let the nature take its course of action and you do not meddle with it.
3. Absorption Stage
“Become immune to surroundings“
The third chakra/wheel is is called Rudra knot. Rudra or Shiva is the destroyer. He holds poison in his throat and he doesn’t let it flow beyond his throat and neither does he let it flow through his head. You open this knot by holding all the poison or negativity around you in your throat and not let it affect your mind or body! You become still, and become immune to your surroundings.
4. Final Stage
“Rarest of the rare phenomenon”
Complete Kundalini awakening or the opening of Sahasra Chakra is a rarest of the rare case. Even the tallest of the saints struggle at this point. As the crown chakra opens, one will be able to achieve self-realization, cosmic realization, and then Yoga.
The above stages have been taken from people who have gone through a few stages of Kundalini awakening themselves as mentioned on Quora.
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