Did you know that about 10% of all dermatological conditions are nail-related?
It is rightly said that your nails are windows to your health. A healthy nail looks smooth and of a consistent color. It is normal for your nails to grow brittle or have vertical ridges as you grow old but any abnormalities such as discoloration, spots, etc. could be symptoms of a medical condition, stress, or poor nutrition.
Do note that certain medications can also change the appearance of your nails, so to be a hundred percent sure about an illness, it is always better to consult a doctor first.
Let us start with the basic anatomy of a fingernail or toenail.
Table of Contents
What are Fingernails made of?
Your nails are made out of layers of a protein called Keratin – the same substance your body uses to build hair and top of the skin.
Keratin plays a major role in keeping your nails healthy by protecting them from damage.
Nail Anatomy – The different parts of Fingernail

Leave alone the general public, even some nail technicians do not know the different parts of the nail.
So let us first learn the anatomy of a nail. A nail comprises of the below parts:
- Matrix
- Lunula
- Eponychium
- Cuticle
- Nail Plate
- Nail Bed
Matrix: Area where your fingernails and toenails start to grow. The matrix creates new skin cells pushing the old and dead cells outwards as nails.
Lunula: It is the crescent part present at the base of the nail. It is bluish-white and opaque that is visible through the nail plate. It is also called as “moon”.
Lunula is not visible on all nails. Most often it is present on your thumb or index finger.
Eponychium: Thick layer of skin at the base of the fingernails and toenails.
Cuticle and Eponychium are different. Eponychium comprises live skin cells whereas the cuticle consists of dead skin cells.
Cuticle: It is the thin layer of dead tissue located at the edge of your fingernails or toenails. The cuticle helps to protect new nails from bacteria when they grow out of nail root.
Nail Plate: Hard part of the nail, made of keratin. Commonly the word nail is referred to as nail plate only.
Nail Bed: Soft tissue that sits underneath and supports the nail plate while it grows.
Nail Signs and Health

1. Pale Nails

Pale or white nails mean you might be having less red blood cells. If the nail bed is mostly white with dark rims near the top, this might mean you may be suffering from hepatitis.
Pale finger nails may be symptoms of
- Liver Problems
- Anemia
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Malnutrition
How to Fix it?
If the pale nails are caused due to Anemia, then increase the intake of iron-rich foods.
- Beans
- Lean Meat
- Green Leafy vegetables
- Raisins
- Peas
- Apricots
- Poultry
2. Beau’s Lines

Beau’s lines are horizontal lines that run across the nails. The indentations can appear due to a variety of reasons.
Beau’s Lines may be symptoms of:
- Uncontrolled Diabetes
- Illnesses associated with high fever e.g scarlet fever, measles, mumps, pneumonia, COVID
- Zinc deficiency
- Injury to nails
- Certain medications
How to Fix it?
If caused due to Zinc deficiency, have foods rich in zinc.
Example of foods that are high in zinc :
- Oysters
- Red meat
- Poultry
- Beans
- Nuts
- Whole grains
- Fortified Breakfast cereals
- Dairy products
3. Spoon Nails

Also known as Koilonychia, spoon nails are soft, extremely thin and bend outwards(concave), or sometimes, are even flat. The curve is deep enough to hold a drop of liquid.
Spoon Nails may be symptoms of:
- Iron Deficiency
- A liver condition called hemochromatosis – Body absorbs too much iron from the food you eat
- Blockage of blood in vessels
- Excessive Stress
- The autoimmune disease Lupus
- Continuous exposure to solutions that are petroleum-based, soaps, detergents
How to fix it?
If the symptoms are caused due to Iron deficiency, consume foods rich in iron.
4. Terry’s Nails

Terry’s nails are almost entirely white. The tip of the nail has a small pink or brown band. Since the nail is white, lunula is not visible.
According to a review article in American Family Physician, Terry’s nails are found in 80% of nails.
Terry’s nails may be symptoms of:
- Liver Diseases especially a condition called Cirrhosis
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Chronic Kidney Failure
- Aging
How to Fix?
Terry’s nails don’t need to be treated. They will go away if the underlying condition is treated.
5. Yellow Nails

They are very common than we think. The nails thicken and nail growth slows with yellow nail syndrome. They may not have a cuticle and detach from the nail bed.
Yellow Nails are Symptoms of:
- Fungal Infections
- Reaction from a product you are using
- Respiratory Diseases such as Chronic Bronchitis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
How to Fix?
Treating the underlying illness. If yellow nails are caused due to an infection, you may try to apply vitamin E oil or tea tree oil.
6. Pitting
Nail Pitting may look like shallow or deep holes in your nails. They look like dents on your nails. They may appear on your fingernails and toenails. You may also get them if they run in your family.
Pitting may be symptoms of:
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Joint inflammation
How to Fix?
Seeing a certified Dermatologist for a diagnosis is essential.
7. Split or Cracked Nails
If you are suffering from both cracking and splitting of nails, it may be due to a fungal infection. Generally, harsh chemicals like household cleaners or physical stress may be the culprit behind splitting but if they aren’t the reasons, then they might be symptoms of other medical illnesses. Nail splits can be horizontal, across the nail’s tip, or vertical, splitting the nail in two. They can also be caused due to prolonged exposure to moisture.
Split or Cracked Nails maybe symptoms of:
- Hypothyroidism
- Infections
- Psoriasis
- Liver Diseases
- Kidney Diseases
- Skin cancers
How to Fix?
If the split is caused due to long term exposure to moisture, try to refrain from keeping your hands in water for a long time.
According to Healthline, If your nail split extends to your nail bed, you might need to visit a doctor. Your nail may have to be removed and your nail bed may need stitches.
8. Vertical Ridges on Nails
They are often normal signs of aging due to a slowing of cell turnover. Most of the time ridges are harmless. But, if you experience other symptoms like discoloration, brittle nails with jagged edges, then it may be a cause of concern.
Possible causes of Vertical Ridges are:
- Lichen Planus
- Psoriasis
- Hair Loss – Alopecia areata
- Fungal Nail Infection
- Anemia
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
How to Fix?
If the cause is Anemia, then consume food high in iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B, Keratin. Have a balanced diet rich is nutrients.
9. White Spots on fingernails

White spots on nails are very common. They may appear as tiny dots spread across your nail or for some people they may be larger and stretch across the entire nail.
They are mostly caused due to injury. Also frequently getting manicures and pedicures done can damage nail beds.
Other Potential Causes for White Spots are:
- Allergic Reaction
- Fungal Infection
- Nail Injury
- Mineral Deficiency
How to Fix?
If your white spots are infrequent and if it is because of an injury, it may not be a cause of concern.
If it is caused due to minerals deficiency which can be diagnosed by a doctor, try to increase your intake of zinc and calcium.
Some Minerals Rich foods are:
- Nuts
- Lentils and Beans
- Green Leafy Vegetables
- Whole Grains
- Yogurt
10. No Half-Moon or Lunula
Check your thumb or forefinger, you might find a little rounded white curve at the base of your fingernail. They are known as fingernail moons. Most of the time not having it doesn’t mean anything because it could be just hidden under your skin. But, if you experience additional symptoms like your nail turning red and accompanied by fatigue, weight loss or gain, dizziness, unusual cravings, poor eyesight, and anxiety then, you need to get yourself checked by a physician.
Possible causes of no half-moons are:
- Anemia
- Malnutrition
- Depression
How to fix it?
Most of the times, they are harmless but if you experience the above mentioned symptoms, go to the doctor immediately.
11. Dark or Black Line on Nail

This condition is called a splinter hemorrhage and may occur due to a variety of reasons. This condition is caused by damaged blood vessels underneath your nail. Most of the times they are harmless and they occur due to a symptom called linear melanonychia. This condition occurs when pigments in nails known as melanocytes take excess pigment.
Serious Causes of Black Line on Nail include:
- Skin Cancer
- Taking drug medications such as chemotherapy drugs, anti-malarial drugs
How to Fix?
Splinter hemorrhages appear as small black or deep red lines on the nails and they are harmless and heal on their own. If a person has multiple black lines across several nails, it needs to be checked by a doctor as it may correspond to a more serious medical condition.
Other Nail Symptoms and Diseases

Seeing a change in your nails may not always mean that you have a disease. But, if you see other symptoms accompanying it, there might be a serious health issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Everyone should be aware of their nails health. Just like you take care of your body, keeping a check of nails is also essential. After all, health is wealth.
Very informative!
I love this post ! I used to had white spots on nails long time back someone told me deficiency of calcium .. but didn’t know this in detail . Thanks
Being aware of each part of our body is very important. Through this article, I could learn about the nails and their relation to any deficiencies on our body.
Indeed this is a very detailed information.. very less awareness regarding this
I seriously never knew the different parts of the nails I I only knew the cuticles and the nail bed.And I never knew all the health related problems through the nail they were few only which I knew.
Wow this is something important. If anyone facing any hormonal imbalance so the chances are very high to see these symptoms or changes on nail. You explained it in very easy way. Thanks for sharing this article.
Thanks so much for your blog dear, I really need this information coz I’m suffering from some nails issue and now I know what exactly is my health issues. Really thankful for this blog
Definately gonna share this dear.
Thank you so much for the blog. I’ll definitely try to implement these solutions hope so . My deficiency improved
Wow..that’s soo interesting blogthat’s really worth sharing..much needed..
It’s so interesting and important that we all know these facts about our nails. I always had long and beautiful nail until I gave birth to my two beautiful kids… then they stopped growing and I had to get acrylics.
Thank you for your wonderful share and knowledge
To be honest, sometimes we don’t take finger symptoms not anymore !! Interesting article, well written, I loved the detailed explanation
Wow amazing
There are so many diseases whose symptoms show through our nail health . Just love how detailed the blog was . Will definitely share this
You are sharing good information… One can keep a check on their nails & know that it’s ok or not.
Wow ..you are amazing
you make content on things that no one else even thinks of …and that’s what makes you stand out Keep going 
Wow i had no idea that even our nails try to tell us sooo much about our bodies. There are sooo many symptoms we can be aware of if we pay attention. Thanks for sharing this dear. Definitely makes us more aware of our health
Wow thanks for sharing this information. I have never knew that much about nails. Now I have checked mine and my kids nail to see if we have any defeciency or not?
Woww! Amazing
So well reasearched blog..i belong to dr’s family and ik how important nails are..

Going through your blog, I gained some knowledge about nails. Now I understand why doctor some times check the nails of the patient. Thank you for sharing the knowledge.
Really it’s very important blog something new to know … Thank you so much for this information
Something new to know really it’s an important blog Definitely I will share your blog with my family and friends… Thank you so much for this information
Never knew ours nails could tell so much about our health! This blog was really well researched and extremely informative. Such interesting information. Thank you so much for sharin this with us.
Woah. The blog is really interesting and resourceful. I learn something new about nails tells us about our overall health. Thank you for sharing.
I totally agree with the post. Everyone of us should have am idea about the health of our nails as it is related to a lot of health issues. Thank you for sharing this
I never thought nails can say this much about you also thank you for sharing my friend needs to see this
Well…I would say nails say alot about health…only few people know about this fact
It’s so interesting that nails can be a sign of health problems! I this information is super useful and important to know as it can help to pinpoint health problems in a lot of cases! Thanks for sharing
There are so many health issues which our body shows through various symptoms. Love this blog post. Got to learn so much
They reflect our internal health…A person must focus on the signals it reflect….May be we cn curb a lot of unforeseen health issues.
Such a nice and very detailed write up about nails and how the nails can indicate about our health issues . Thank you for sharing it
This is so informative and new to me i never knew our nails tell so much about us..thankyou for sharing u definitely did a lot of research for this blog
Woww thanxx for sharing this information this blog is well researched Blog now i know the reason thanxx for sharing with us
This blog is really very well researched..its so informative and new to me as i never knew our nails could tell so much!!! Thankyou for sharing
Thanxxx for sharing this valuable information i never know about this information well researched thanxx a ton
This is a really informative and well researched blog i never knew about this thankyou for sharing
Very informative, every word is a gem
Enjoyed reading the whole article. Thoroughly checked my nails too. Glad to know that they are healthy, and that I don’t have any underlying illness that I should be worrying about
Thank you! Did not know nails can detect so many diseases!
It is such a detailed explanation… Yes, nails can tell so much about our health. We just have to listen to our body, it says everything.
Very very intresting article to read
Read the whole article, explained so well, such detailed information about various nail forms and the related health issues, I found white spots on one of my nails, would definitely rectify this, thanks a lot for sharing this article
True that nails can exhibit lots of signs related to the connective tissue system just as the tongue shows the digestive system. Good to know the deepest of details regarding signs and symptoms the nail show us
Thanks for sharing this information.There are sooo many symptoms we can be aware of if we pay attention.I never knew that much about nails.
I did know the link between nails and dermatology but this detailed article on nails is amazing, Thanku for sharing
It is such an informative post..well explained on how nail tells us about health issues and it’s symptoms…Great blog post
Nails speak a lot about our health..to be honest before reading this post I never knew so many important things about nails and never knew the reason’s to why my nails at times tend to break at times …read all the informations provided
Got so much of good information about nails, nail bed and nail related clinical manifestations of diseases. Keep up the good work!
This is such a informative article. You have not only made us aware of the different health conditions related to the kind of nails but also given the solution to make it better. Thank you for the article
Amezing article… This is totally new for me… Thank you for sharing…
What a wonderful blog it is! So crisp & clear information about nail health you have shared here which most of us overlook in our day to day life
This is really an informative blog. Keep up the good work dear.
So educational post I actually saw my nails so carefully for the very first time I saw there are vertical ridges that means I might have iron deficiency also wanted to know the Luna is to be visible on all the nails or only thumb is ok because I can only see on my thumb rest no fingers I can see it wht does thst mean any idea
Wow didn’t knew these depth about nails,this is so valuable post,much appreciated,keep sharing
Wow this article is packed with lots of information. By looking at our nails we will have some basic idea about our health and that is so awesome. Me personally had no idea about this at all now all thanks to you for providing such an informative post with all details.
Such an informative post and yes nail health is really important and it indicates many serious disease. Checking your mail and get alert with possible disease conditions is great way to early disease protection and treatment.
This is such an informative article and yes nail health is very very important..and i have one question.. i only have luna on my thumb.. can u tell me if its okay or is there some kind of deficiency?
Actually checking the nails is an important part of patient examination that we do before we get into the other details. This is of great importance since we Dietitians especially will be able to figure out what kind of deficiency the person may or may not have. Very informative article on nail health.
thank you for sharing the signs and how to fix it. alot of people negect what their nails are telling them. love reading this article, very informative
I love the article, such a piece of info which we definitely overlook. I was searching for such nail issues for my name but didn’t even knew the nomenclature. Now I know its spoon nails and how to deal with it. Thankss for sharing this info with us..
Omg I learned so much about nail today, I thought I know everything about nails, but apparently I didn’t! Thank you for sharing with us this kind of interesting topic! I learned that there are so many different signs that can tells us about our health!
No w I know it’s spoon nails and how to deal with it
I am checking my nails right now heard about iron deficiency and the connection of nails with it before. Such an informative article. Thank you!
This was so helpful…had no idea about it..will definitely take care of it.
Very informative blog about nails health..
Thanks for sharing with us..♥️
Wow this was very interesting to know about got to know something new
This is such an amazing post and much neeed topic aswell we all need these kinds of awareness every timee thanks for sharing this love. I loved it

This is very informative blog about nails health..Totally worth sharing. M glad to read it. Thank you.
Wow seems to be an amazing blog regarding nails very worth of it sharing thankyou for sharing such amazing blog with us
Thank you for sharing such informative posts !! This post concludes all that yu need to know about nail health !! Amazing ..
Really informative very less people are aware of these facts
Wow never knew things about nails ty for the detailed explanation regarding nail anatomy, I have white spots on my nails will start eating mineral rich foods.
Very nicely done, great content
I have never read such detailed article on nail health. Thanks for sharing.
What agreat and detailed post. Full information. Thank you. There were many things I didn’t knew
What a detailed and well crafted article. The white spots are quite common..my grandmother used to say that if you have white spots, you will get a new dress. I used to wait for white spots lol. Never knew that there is a reason for all these
Your article is an eye-opener. We are completely unaware of the details of what our nails tell about our health. This post clears all false notions. Thanks for the post. Especially the fact that frequent manicure pedicure would spoil the nails.
You covered this unique topic amazingly!! From what’s the problem to how to fix everything is just perfect!! Thanks for this wonderful and informative post!!
O my god finger nails say this much about our health
I believe in Ayurveda and every information which is based on Ayurveda I can trust blindly on that. This information deserve to be spread as much as possible
This is such a well detailed and helpful post
Not all of us look after our nails properly and also not many are aware about the health problems that the nails indicate. You have covered a good topic with proper details. Thank you ♥️
I have to confess that I had least known about this nail terminology and the affects of it on health. This is so detailed post, I do have white spot on nails, shall check my mineral diet .
Such a detailed and well put up post on nails health! Never knew about the foods we can have for improving nails health!
Such a well explained and detailed post on nails health! Something that we ignore till late. Never knew the foods we can have to ensure good nail health! Thankyou
This is a great informative post.Each part of the body is equally important.Taking care of nails is equally important.. Thank you for sharing.
Indeed!!this is a great informative post.Each part of the body is equally important.Many things are not known to me.Thanx for sharing.
I literally read whole article carefully. It’s so interesting information,I haven’t thought so much our nail tell us. I was checking everyone nails at home after reading your article.
Such a fine and detailed post. Keeping a check on our nails can be so helpful in the long run. Didn’t know that nail health can depict so much and warn us of the prolonged diseases.
This post is so detailed and informative Loved knowing about this fact to keep a check on ur health.. thankyou for sharing
I never thought nail health could be of this much importance. This article is an eye opener for me. Thanks for writing this.
We rarely pay attention to nail health which is so so important. This is a highly informative post. I wasn’t aware of so many things.
Wow I never knew so much about nails before. My nails are too thin n so they dont grow as it literally tears off and also layers of my nails keep peeling off. So need to hide them at times with nail art and acrylic nails .
Such detailed info on nails !!
What an insightful article this was. This has really made me realise that some as small as nails can show so much about your health.
Very nicely explained read about it during my pg days
This was really such an informative post!! Some things which were a little new to me. Thanks for sharing some descriptive information
This is so detailed post,so much to learn from your blogs,thankyou!
That was a good read and I am trying to figure out in which category I fall…very well explained though
This is incredible info buddy, I had some idea about our nails health but not of course to these details. Will surely bear these points in mind
Although we know that nail health is related to good health in general it isn’t given much importance. This is good information.
This is really informative. You blogs are always full of knowledge. Love reading each one of it!!
I did know the link between nails and dermatology but this detailed article on nails is amazing, Thanku for sharing
This is Just info bomb
I was absolutely unaware about these signs. This information is going to be very helpful for all. Absolutely amazing post.
Love the explanation and very informative
wow this is amazing article.. i never knew your nails can say so much about you.. thank you for sharing this.. I guess I need to keep a check from onwards
This article is super useful as gives a detailed idea about the clinical manifestations underlying diseases might have?!
Never knew there is so much to take care for just our nails! Informative article!
This is amazing! I am saving this! I actually found out about my iron deficiency thru my nails! We underestimate nails but they always indicate our health correctly!
Didn’t know anything about it. Thank you so much for explaining everything
Very nice and detailed information. Many people have nails problems but they don’t know how to fix it. Thanks for sharing with us.
Quite a detailed and informative post on fingernails, I never knew that our fingernails can tell so much about our health. Thank you for sharing this
Omg..that is a lot of information about nails
Growing my nails is one beauty weakness i have. I thought I knew a lot about them but you have proved me so wrong. Thanks for that detailed information. Now I am going to closely examine my nails every time I manicure.
Very different information shared.just loved it
Wow thats so informative and amazing article.. i was not knowing nails can tell us so much about our health.
Such a informative post I was not aware of this thnk u so much for sharing
Finally, someone talking real things now!!!!
Oh damn I love growing nails but this is something which I was not aware of… Thanks for providing this important information I will always examine my nails now.
I love growing nails but I wasnt aware about these facts. Thanks for sharing this information I will always examine my nails now.
I love growing nails but I wasnt aware about these facts. Thanks for sharing this important information I will examine my nails everytime now.
This detailed article amazed me, very informative and I got to learn new things.