10 Unknown Causes of Food Cravings That You Shouldn’t Ignore!

You might be Nutrient Deficient!

Cravings are defined as intense, urgent or abnormal desires.

They are so common and the desire to eat is so intense that you feel nothing can stop you. Some believe that cravings are caused by nutrient deficiencies and view them as the body’s way to correct them. But others say that cravings are largely about what your brain wants, rather than what your body actually needs.

Food cravings are due to many things — be it physical or mental. In some cases, they will even be a symptom of an underlying condition and should not be neglected.

We have asked Neelanjan Banerjee, a CPD Certified Trainer & Nutrition Expert to throw light on this very topic.

This article explores whether specific nutrient deficiencies cause food cravings, what your food cravings may mean, as well as the possible reasons behind them.

What is Food Craving?

A food desire is an intense need to eat a specific form of food. Humans usually crave foods that are high in energy. Cravings are in the given order:

  • Chocolate and different chocolate-containing foods
  • High-caloric sweet
  • Savory foods.

Some cultural variations are found, for instance, rice is the most desired food in Japan.

Food cravings usually occur in the late afternoons and evenings. Typically, the desire to eat high-calorie foods will increase throughout the day, whereas longing for fruits decreases. Generally, cravings for fruits are very rare.

11 Possible Causes for your Cravings

11 Unknown Causes of Food Cravings and Deficiency

Food cravings will be caused by many factors, which may sometimes be split into two main categories: physical and mental. Being attentive to them might assist you to determine the factors that specifically trigger your cravings.

1. Leptin and Hormonal Imbalances

Leptin and ghrelin are typically called hunger hormones. These hormones are made by fat cells. Leptin decreases your appetite whereas the Ghrelin hormone does the contradictory. It increases your appetite and also plays an important role in your body weight. So changes in these hormones can result in food cravings.

2. Pregnancy

Most often, pregnant women feel an intense desire to eat a specific taste. The taste bucket can be divided into salt, sour, sweet, and spicy. These cravings generally occur only in the first trimester which is the first 5 weeks into pregnancy. The urges become stronger after you enter your second and amplifying in your third. It is perfectly fine to have pregnancy cravings so there is nothing to worry about.

3. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Serotonin is a hormone that is responsible for feeling good and this influences the type of food that women can crave during PMS. During PMS, serotonin drops which result in cravings for carbohydrates.

4. Sleep Deprivation

As we have mentioned above there are 2 types of hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin. A lack of sleep can increase ghrelin levels which is responsible for body weight and reduces leptin levels. This makes your body crave more food.

5. A nutrient-poor diet

Protein and fiber generally make you feel full. When your diet is low in the mentioned 2 nutrients, then you may feel hungry very often and experience cravings.

6. Your Gut Flora

The microbes inside our gut influence our diet, behavior, as well as a variety of other health related problems . These microbes not only affect our food cravings but also our mood.

7. Physical Activity

Do you crave food after working out? This is pretty normal because our muscles are signaling that they need to replenish their carbohydrate stores which can be repaired after eating sugary foods. This actually results in increased body weight due to high energy intake which may lead to food cravings.

Also read : Muscle Strain treatment

8. Highly processed foods

Processed foods can cause addiciton like symptoms due to the ingredients present in them like added fat and sugar.

9. Stress

When you are stressed, your cortisol levels increases. This triggers cravings for salty, sweet and fried foods. This can be called as Emotional eating.

If you are going through stress, you may need to first control it. The best way is to try this natural and safe stress reliever Ashwagandha. Know it’s benefits in the article.

10. Your Mood

If you are in a bad mood, you might go for comfort food to make you feel better. This is backed up by science as well!

Food Cravings Deficiency Chart

Many believe that food cravings are caused due to nutrient deficiency. Although, not much evidence has been found yet.

You might be wondering that if you are deficient in some vitamin or mineral then you should be craving nutrient-rich food like fruits or vegetables but instead, you are craving unhealthy processed foods. Well yes, this is the reason science has not been able to back up the nutrient deficiency theory completely yet.

Also, some studies have found that ladies crave sweet-tasting foods, whereas men are more likely to crave savory ones.

But there is very little proof to conclude that ladies are deficient in nutrients present in sweet-tasting foods. The same is the case with men’s deficiency.

Probable Nutrient Deficiencies That Cause Food Cravings

1. Pica

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In this condition, the individual craves non-nutritive substances, like ice, dirt, soil, chalk, laundry, or starch, among others.

Pica is commonest in pregnant ladies and youngsters, and its exact cause is currently unknown.

Studies observe that people with symptoms of pica usually have low Iron, Zinc, or Calcium levels.

That said, studies additionally report cases of pica not connected to nutrient deficiencies. The reason is that those who were given vitamin supplements failed to stop the pica behavior. Thus, researchers cannot definitively say that nutrient deficiencies cause pica-related cravings.

2. Sodium Deficiency

Sodium plays an important role in maintaining the body’s fluid balance. Craving of salt is an accompanied symtpom of Addison’s disease in which your adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones. Other diseases which trigger salt ravings include dehydration, and, electrolyte imbalance.

Cravings for high-sodium, salty foods generally means that the body needs a lot of metal.

Similarly, individuals whose blood metal levels are very low, either through diuretics (water pills) or exercise, have an increased craving for salty foods or drinks.

Thus, in some cases, salt cravings may be caused by metal deficiencies or low blood metal levels.

How to cut back Cravings?

For starters, skipping meals and not drinking enough water might result in hunger and cravings.

  1. Sleep Well
  2. Have regular nourishing meals
  3. Participate in stress-relieving activities like Yoga or Meditation
  4. Find out the trigger
  5. Mindful Eating


Food cravings are caused by a range of physical or mental factors. Many a time they are nothing to be worried about. But, when you experience cravings for non-food things like dirt, soil, chalk, etc, then it generally means that you are nutrient deficient. So, increase your intake of that nutrient to compensate for that deficiency.

Do you or did you experience any food cravings? If yes, what are they?

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Written by Neelanjan Banerjee

Neelanjan Banerjee is a Software Engineer, IBBFF Bodybuilder, and CPD certified Strength & Bodybuilding Coach, CPD certified Diploma in Nutrition.
Titles: Mr. UP - GOLD, Mr. India - Top 15, Mr. North India - 5th.
You can connect with him on Instagram and his website here!
IG: @Neelanjanfitness, Website:


Leave a Reply
  1. Oh yes I have I crave for sweets and when I start eating sweets I can’t stop
    It’s was very informative to find out all the facts I must start eating healthy

  2. Yes I used to crave for some non nutritious elements as you mentioned above as Pica, I used to crave for chalk or orange coloured stones in my childhood days and yes very true I was calcium deficient, this article is so very informative as we are mostly unaware about this important facts about cravings and our physical and nutritional imbalances ❤️

  3. Great Article…now I understand the fact that still why I crave for chalks and ‘mitti’…a must read for all those who really have irresistible cravings!!❤️❤️❤️

  4. Sometimes I crave alot for snacks or chips items when I am in stress or having a bad mood. I also tried to reduce my cravings by doing certain exercises or sleeping on time. This article have made more informed why I crave for certain food items. The article is helpful and very well explained.

  5. The articel you shared is really helpful and it is so detailed that I came to know why I crave sometimes for certain food items and now I know what is the cause and how I can reduce my certain cravings that are not good for my health. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Great post! This craving is really a pain. Specially when you want to do mindful eating. Good pointer are discussed. I will look out what must be making me crave. Thank you

  7. At times I have cravings for chocolates and ice creams and until I have them I am not able to control my cravings at all…I do yoga and meditation everyday and even have good sleep but still cravings happen.Your article is extremely helpful and very detailed information is given to know the reasons for cravings and how to keep it in control

  8. Thats so true i when i like something i crave more for itt and most especially sweets your post is so informative will take care of my diet for sure ❤️❤️❤️

  9. This is a very beautiful and detailed article. All I knew was I had food cravings but never really thought that there can be such a detailed examination for these cravings. Loved reading it

  10. It’s a great blog on food craving. Very well pen down article, you have explained everything in very simple way and detailed. I crave for chocolates whenever I’m on my periods or PMS.

  11. Right on point!! Many people are unaware about the reasons behind cravings!! You have highlighted so many points that should be kept in mind

  12. I usually crave for savory items, ty for sharing why do we crave for certain food and also tips on how to cut back on cravings

  13. So rightly said!! Many are unaware of this.. You’ve highlighted it very well. I used to crave for sweets. Thankyou for sharing.

  14. This is such a relatable subject,where most of our facing in today’s time,can be due to hectic lifestyles ,stress or various other reasons. This is so helpful,thankyou.

  15. Truly agree with nutrient-poor diet one of the main cause of cravings, but there are numerous ways it can be overcome as you said. Sometimes we can replace the craving item with the healthy ones. That’s what I do most of the time.. Thanks for sharing your valuable tips with us.

  16. Oh wow..!! Food cravings science. Never knew it all. So much to know. I badly crave for sweets sometimes. This article after reading gonna helm me lot.

  17. I crave when i’m on stress. I crave for spicy food mostly or anything savoury I can’t resist until i eat it and i do munch a lot when I’m on stress Also i was so unaware that people do have a cravings for non food like dirt, soil your post are always so informative and we always got to learn new things from it so many thanks to you ❤️

  18. I usually crave for sweets and soda based drinks but the facts and related science behind it was unknown to me. Thanks for posting this information .

  19. I usually crave for sweets and soda based drinks…I was unknown with the science behind it… thanks for sharing the fact based description.

  20. This is very useful In these days people go for ready made or processed foods due to lack of time this most people on survey shows they are base and nutrient deficient.

  21. Loved the detailed and helpful article. Many people do have the tendency to over eat. This is gonna help many of them☺️

  22. Wowww I learned so much in your article dear! It is so detailed and well written article. ☺️☺️I usually crave chips when I am under a lot of stress!

  23. Wowww I learned so much in your article dear! It is so detailed and well written article. ☺️☺️I usually crave chips when I am under a lot of stress!

  24. Wow I never knew something like these could be a cause of food deficiency. This is actually really important for everyone to know. Thankyou for sharing. I ‘m gonna send this article to all my friends and fam ❤️

  25. Very informative article time even I feel of food craving but all these years being a fitness enthusiast I found that if u are able to zip up u will find things are easy for u ..

  26. What an amazing amazing read. I loved every bit of it. I second you I use too have cravings but I have changed lifestyle and eating habits completely. And now I feel much better. This cravings can even increase your appetite and weight goes out of control. One should keep a check and take steps like you have mentioned. Love reading it. Thank you.

    • Such an amazing read. I usually crave for something sweet during PMS and also learnt alot about other cravings. Great work.

  27. Thank you Neelam jan for this article.. I was always wondering that why do I have such cravings when I am not on my periods. Usually I had a thought that food cravings are only because of hormonal changes.. but I guess I was wrong.

  28. Thank you for the detailed article and I swear the cravings are sometimes too much to handleThis article was worth my time and good read

  29. Even I feel like cutting off these cravings because I feel like eating all the sweet things late night or after every meal..This is disturbing my sleep cycle too! Thank you so much for the tips and precautions ❤️❤️

  30. Ohh wow this is cool blog my sister used to eat raw rice and chalk in her pregnancy period that time I can’t understand why shes has craving for such nonsense things but now I understand why. Thnx for sharing this with us

  31. I get the craving for eating chalk,may be it is pica condition.
    Thanx for such detailed information, I didn’t know about pica condition..

  32. I always crave for sweets especially near my periods .. I am helpless .. but I eat in a control way mostly . When I was small I ate chalks .. LOL . But now understand everything behind this . Thanks

  33. During my pregnancy I used to eat kullhad and chalk… People used to make fun of my eating habits. Now I can explain them that food cravings are normal. Thanks for sharing this article

  34. Great article !!! All points listed compiled in one page ! These cravings are at rage with teen age kids and youngsters !!

  35. This article is very well written and really helpful, I can tell that you put a lot of effort to cover all the important aspects related to this problem!

  36. Wow so detailed article this was and so interesting that couldn’t leave the article in mid. Very nice article on craving and so good solution. To answer your question, yes I too crave for lot of fats full snacks in evening. Evenings are my weakness. So I have proper healthy snacks to avoid late evening cravings.

  37. This is such a relatable most,i am sure everyone has some kind of food cravings,glad to know about it in detail.
    Thankyou for sharing this.

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