Air Fryers are the current sought-after products in many parts of the world. Everyone seems to be using it to cook their perfect healthy recipes. These useful appliances have also gained negative publicity of producing cancer causing chemicals.
But what exactly is an air fryer and how does it work?
We at Top5Listicle have broken down this trending tool into topics ranging from what it is, its benefits, side effects, and, more.
Table of Contents
What is an Air Fryer?

An Air Fryer is similar to an oven that uses convection to circulate hot air. It is about the size of a coffeemaker. The main use of an air fryer is that it just requires a fraction of oil and gives the same flavor and crispness its counterpart i.e deep-frying gives.
Since the oil required is very less, people claim it to be healthy. So, are air fryers really healthy as they claim? Let us find out!
How do Air Fryers Work?
Air fryers have a top section compartment with a fan that circulates hot air. Similar to the conventional oven, you place the food inside an air fryer basket and turn the switch on. Technically speaking, the heating mechanism inside the equipment circulates hot air around the food making the food crisp- similar to deep-frying, but without any oil!
What can You Cook in an Air Fryer?
- Vegetables
- Frozen Foods that require a lot of oil can be easily turned crisp using an air fryer
- Pizza
- Chicken
- Doughnut
- French Fries
Benefits of using Air Fryers
1. Reduced Fat and Calories
Since air fryers don’t require oil to fry food, this makes air fryers a healthy alternative. Fried foods are generally high in fat and calories.
Consuming foods high in oil and fats make you prone to many diseases such as heart attack, Thyroid, High Blood pressure, obesity, and more.
This makes people looking to lose weight opt for an air fryer because of the advantage of not compromising on health while being able to enjoy the same flavor and taste of deep-fried foods.
2. Saves you Oil

We all know the amount of oil that goes into cooking deep-fried items. To give you an example, to get the crispness and flavor of french fries, a minimum of 3 cups (2.5 inches of oil in a deep frying pan) is used.
Whereas while air frying you will just need a tablespoon or fraction of oil to get the same taste and crispness!
Now do the math of how much oil and money you are gonna save because of this compact equipment!
3. Less Time Consuming
It takes less time to air fry than to deep fry using the conventional method of using large amounts of oil. For example, it takes less than half the time it takes to make a food crispy in a traditional oven.
4. Reduce The Risk Of Toxic Acrylamide Formation
Acrylamide is a toxic chemical that is an odorless, white and crystalline solid with a melting point of 84-86 degrees Celsius.
They are formed due to a reaction between sugars and amino acids when foods are cooked at high temperatures. Some high-temperature processes include frying, roasting, and baking.
A 2020 study found that air frying could reduce the amount of acrylamide formed when compared to deep-frying.
5. Reduces Risk of Burns

We all know the drill of deep frying in a pitted vessel filled with oil and the dangers it poses to us if not handled properly. Well, the good news is air fryers are relatively safer as there is no risk of spilling, splashing, and touching hot oil.
6. Same Texture and Flavor as Deep Frying
The aroma and texture of air frying can be comparable to that of deep frying. The same crispness of deep frying can be achieved through air frying. When taking an example of fried chicken, the juiciness inside and the crunchiness outside makes the meal delectable.
7. All Rounder
Air fryers can be used to cook a variety of foods that require different heating processes like baking, roasting, stir fry, reheat, grill, etc. Apart from this, you can also cook different varieties of food. The best part is how compact it is and you can use this to even bake pastries, cakes, and a variety of desserts! This makes the air fryer an excellent piece of equipment that serves multiple purposes all at once
Disadvantages of Air Fryers
1. Does not Guarantee a Healthy diet as Assumed
Noted that air fryers consume very little oil but that doesn’t guarantee a healthful meal. For good health, concentrate on having fresh vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and protein. The most important is consuming a balanced diet.
If you are looking to lose weight, check out 10 tips by a Dietitian to lose weight naturally at home.
2. Air Fryer Can Create Other Dangerous Toxic Compounds like Acrylamide

While air frying can reduce the formation of Acrylamide, other potentially harmful compounds can still be formed.
Other toxic hydrocarbons are formed due to high heating processes while cooking meat.
Additional research and evidence is required to know how exactly air frying and these toxic compounds correspond.
3. Less Space in the Air Fryer Basket
If you want to cook a large amount of food at once, then air frying can be of a disadvantage. Overcrowding the basket will only make it worse. This is because heat will not evenly distribute leaving some parts uncooked ruining the whole eating experience.

5 Mistakes of Air Fryers to Avoid that Can Cause Cancer
To avoid the risk of carcinogenic or cancer-causing elements because of an air-fryer, you may take the following precautionary measures.
1. Do not set your Air fryer at Very High Temperature
The optimum temperature is preferable below 180 degrees as high temperatures will result in a chemical reaction between the starches and amino acids thereby producing harmful by-products that might be carcinogenic in nature.
2. Do not use your Air Fryer very Frequently
It is advisable to use your air fryer less than 3 times a month. Until and unless more research is done, it is advisable to stick to using an air fryer a maximum of 2 times a month.
3. Soak Your Potatoes Well
According to Very Well Health, while cooking potatoes or making french fries, it is good to soak potatoes as it helps in removing a lot of starch content. The sugar from this starch is mainly responsible for the formation of acrylamide and this can be lessened. Another important thing to note, regardless of the type of frying you use to make french fries, there is always a risk of ingesting toxic compounds.
4. Do not Air Fry Vegetables

The nutrient content of vegetables is lost due to air frying. Hence, it is best not to air fry vegetables.
5. Do Not Air Fry Processed Foods
Processed foods are filled with preservatives and reheating them in an air fryer as while heating these foods, some oil is produced which is not good for one’s health. The by-product is trans fat.
6. Set a Timer
Always set a timer while using an air-fryer so that you don’t heat any food more than the stipulated time.
Are Air Fryers Carcinogenic or Cancerous?
Do air fryers cause cancer? Air fryers, a relatively recent development, are intended to replace traditional deep-frying. Air fryers have revolutionized the way we cook food; all you need to do is toss some sliced potatoes in for 10 to 20 minutes to get wonderful french fries. Air fryers have shortened cleanup time while accelerating the production of deliciously crispy food. So what’s not to love?
According to numerous authorities, air fryers are healthier than conventional frying. But what are the benefits and drawbacks of cooking with an air fryer?
The popularity of air fryers has recently increased due to rising health awareness and persistent demand for fried food. Manufacturers of air fryers advertise their products as a way to prepare and consume fried food without the negative health hazards connected to oil-fried meals. Air-fried foods contain less fat than deep-fried items, making them possibly healthier.
However, some people are wary of the supposed health advantages of air-fried foods while others are worried about the potential health risks of employing this novel cooking technique, primarily due to worries about toxicity and cancer. The impact of air fryers on your chance of developing cancer is evaluated in this study from the Immunity Therapy Center.
What are the Precautions for using air fryers?
There are a few precautions that users should take before turning their counter tops into an air fryer. A good rule of thumb would be to stay away from using your fryer near any combustible material, such as paper towels or clothes. Another precaution is to not use your air fryer for more than 3-4 minutes at a time. This will prevent dish damage and the buildup of chemicals in the food which can make you very sick.
In addition, check your fryer regularly to make sure it doesn’t have any cracks or chips. Any damage can cause the fryer to overheat or even catch on fire. Clean your air fryer after each use and be sure to let it cool down before putting it away. And of course, check the user manual for specific precautions from the manufacturer of your air fryer.
Finally, never leave children unsupervised when using an air fryer. Make sure to take the right precautions before, during and after use of an air fryer.
Air fryer vs Traditional Frying
To determine which technique will be most effective for you, compare air frying to deep fried using the following comparisons.
Which reduces time the most?
Both deep and air fryers need various amounts of time to cook different foods. When heated oil in a deep fryer reaches the appropriate temperature, dishes can be cooked in three to five minutes. Air fryers typically take between 10 and 20 minutes to cook and heat meals. Check the food’s label carefully before cooking it, as cooking times vary depending on what is being made.
Which option is better for your health?
Since air frying uses a small amount of oil compared to deep frying, it can be a healthier option for frying food. While deep frying calls for at least four to six cups of oil, air frying only uses hot air and one to two tablespoons to aid in the caramelization process.
Whose taste do you prefer?
Whether you like the flavour of deep-fried or air-fried foods depends on your personal preferences. Deep fryers are the best for thick or wet batters since they will produce a more classic flavor. The wet batter can seep through the air fryer basket before it hardens. Foods with dry exteriors operate best in an air fryer, which can still produce crispy, caramelized food while using very little oil.
Are air-fried french fries bad for you?

Air Fryers are a newer technology that fry food with no oil, but the problem is: they sometimes use unhealthy levels of air to do so. So, while you might be saving calories by cutting out the oil and frying your foods with air, you’re also cooking them at high temperatures which can lead to carcinogenic effects.
According to the World Health Organization, carcinogens are “substances or mixtures that can lead to cancer or increase the risk of getting it.” What’s not clear is whether or not the high levels of carcinogens found in air-fried foods are dangerous for human health.
The study, published in Journal of Food Science, examined two separate types of fries – one was deep-fried and one was air-fried – to see how much acrylamide they both contained.
Air fryers produce cancer-causing chemicals
An air fryer is a popular kitchen appliance that uses hot air to cook food, just like an oven. While the heat and flavor of fried foods can be replicated through this cooking method with relatively little added calories and less oil, it is important to keep your health in mind and consider some facts about how these products may produce cancer-causing chemicals.
First off, many air fryers do not regulate their internal temperature properly or use a light bulb as their heating element. This can create uneven heating and the risk of burning food. It is better to opt for a product that has an automatic shut off function, precise temperature control and is designed with convection technology.
Secondly, you should never cook in plastic containers or use non-stick pans with your air fryer as they will release toxic chemicals into the hot air which will then be circulated into your food. Instead use metal utensils and ceramic or glass containers.
Best Airfyers to Buy
1. Ninja AF161 Max XL Air Fryer
2. PowerXL Air Fryer Pro, Crisp, Cook, Rotisserie, Dehydrate; 7-in-1 Cooking Features; Deluxe Air Frying Accessories; 3 Recipe Books (6 Qt, Black)
3. Philips Premium TurboStar 1.8lb/2.75qt Airfryer – HD9741/96 (Latest Model 2020) (Digital Black)
Ninja Air Fryer Cancer Warning?
Ninja is a popular air fryer brand that many people opt for when choosing an air fryer. But, if you look closely, Ninja has put out an P65 cancer warning. Let us look closely what the research says about ninja air fryer cancer warning.
P65 is the abbreviation for Proposition 65. Under California law, all the manufacturing businesses are required to issue out this warning to indicate the presence of potentially harmful and cancer-causing chemicals in products.
What does P65 mean?
The Ninja air fryer P65 warning signals that the appliance can cause potentially serious disabilities like congenital disability, complications to the respiratory system, and cancer.
Like every other air fryer, say you are cooking french fries, it will require high temperature to cook. As we have already read above, high temperature cooking or frying produces cancer causing compounds like acrylamide.
Hence, the key to keeping yourself safe is by only using Ninja air fryer for cooking foods that do not require high temperature and the manufacturer titles safe.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q) What cannot be cooked in an air fryer?
Ans) Battered foods cannot be cooked. If the consistency is heavy, wet, and slippery then air frying it will not be successful. Also, if you are trying to cook a lot of cheese in an air fryer then you are making a mistake. The cheese will ooze out leaving you with a basket filled with dripping cheese.
In short, anything thick, slimy, and wet cannot cook well in an air fryer.
Also, avoid cooking raw grains and rice in an air fryer because it will not consistently cook leaving the food half cooked.
Q) Can you put aluminum foil in an air fryer?
Ans) Yes, you can put aluminum foil in an air fryer. Make sure the aluminum foil doesn’t block the circulation of air. Leave some space in the air fryer else you might lose its effectiveness.
Q) How long do you preheat air fryer?
Ans) Try heating for a minimum of 3 minutes for the air fryer to properly heat before you start cooking anything.
Q) Can I open air fryer while cooking?
Ans) Yes, you can open your air fryer while it is cooking. Make sure you don’t force open it. If the air fryer is easily opened by sliding sideways or front, you can definitely open the basket to check the contents inside.
Q) Do I have to clean my air fryer every time I use?
Ans) Absolutely. After cooking, wait for the air fryer to cool down. Simply use regular soap and water to clean your air fryer. If you notice smoke coming out of your machine, this means that there is an oil build-up in your air fryer and it is time you clean it.
Tip: To make cleaning easier, use parchment paper or aluminum foil on top of the air fryer basket before you start cooking anything.
Air fryers are here to stay. Now that you are better informed, avoid making the mistakes mentioned and stay safe!

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Shweta Raamanujam, Founder of Top5listicle & T5L Digital
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Very new information shared. Thank you.
Really very useful information you shared..that’s really worth sharing
I use Air Fryer often but was glad fo see this article to take care about the pros and cons. Thanks a lot for sharing And I am gonna limit it’s use
Perfectly shared tbe pros n cons of using an air fryer ,thts the only reason I was baffled about buying it for me…but now my all the doubts r clear..loved this article…read the whole article and liked the way u explained.
Omg! It’s going to be extremely useful because we were just planning to get one and here I read everything so clearly about it ! Thankyou so much for sharing this important information ✔️✔️
Really very useful and helpful information.. loved reading it ❤
It’s really helpful and firstly I didn’t know any of those!!! Will share with all!!❤️❤️
I didn’t used it yet but will keep in mind for future purpose. Thanks for sharing this
Very helpful and good insight on air fryer usage.
Woah. I really love this article. It is so insightful and I got to know so much about air fryers, its pros, cons , even what not to be cooked or what to be cooked. Thank you for sharing. Really a helpful article this is. Eacha and every very well explained.
I am really thankful to you for sharing this…..I got to learn so many new things…..i love all your blogs….keep writing
I never knew using an air fry at the highest setting of heat could cause Cancer thank you for the information this was much needed
This one is knowledge and what a detail description , am further sharing it . Thanks girl for all the research .
Wow such a useful article.. got to know so many facts about air fryer. Also these are the things people are not really aware of thank you for sharing this
Such a great information you shared, it’s really helpful 8
I always feel that the basket size is too small too ! It takes too many rounds to cook because of the same reason
I had no idea about acrylamide formation!! Every gadget/time saving machine always has its own disadvantages as well great article!!
This is such a knowledgeable and detailed description about air fryers thanks alot for sharing this it must be a helpful article for everyone who.loves cooking ❤️
Thank you so much for such a detailed information About air fryer. I was actually eyeing to get one because everybody says its a healthy version.. personally i wanted to buy for saving my time.. this was so helpful to made up my mind will again rethink about it
I am going to buy an air fryer now, I am in confusion, should I buy it or not?
Oh mg this is dangerous if one can’t handle Airfrier properly. This is really informative blog utha so much for sharing❤️
Wow these were some helpful advice. I will take the necessary precautions while using air fryer from now onwards.
I have never used one. Need to get one cause it seems to be a great investment ❤️
In my household almost every alternative day we use the air fryer as it saves time and consumes less oil……I never knew that it has so many disadvantages now I will use it carefully keeping all the points in mind..such an informative post explaining all the points in detail
I have recently started using Air fryer. This was much needed post for me. Thank you
I recently got a microwave with a built in air fryer .. this is 100% useful for me .. thanks alot
Thanks for this post. It was really informative. I had only heard about air fryer. Never used one. But now if i ever buy, will be careful.
I didn’t know that thees small mistake can caius Cancer thanks a lot for this article it’s so useful and informative ❤️
Omg we have been using Air fryer for last 5 years and i never took care of any of these precautions. Thank you so much for making us informed and vigilant hun. This is such important information
Good job Shweta…I know people who suffered from cancer and they tell me the mistakes they did once…it is one of them and it is important to share such blogs
Such a thoroughly detailed post! Probably the best I hve read on air fryers!
Thanks for sharing this useful insight into air fryers. I Will keep it in mind.
I didn’t know about this at all and its totally new for me…interesting and very helpful article though ..!!
Loved this post. Wud be useful for people who use air fryers. I never used it so if I buy it I will keep these points in my mind
That is some amazing insight on air fryers. I am definitely going to share this with my mom.
Great one. Thank you for explaining it so well. I was aware about its benefits but not about its disadvantages. Thank you for mentioning them here. Will surely keep this things in mind before buying.
Everyone needs to know about air fryers essential…
I was looking to buy an Air-fryer but I am glad that I came across your article. thank you for this insightful post
Great read…really liked the honest review …such an insightful post. …glad you pointed out the disadvantages too
Hi dear , one of my dream friend was after this air fryer to make her job simple in kitchen and to save oil. But thankfully her husband didnt allowed yet to buy because of his own set of reasons. I was planning to gift her one but now I will not. Thanks for sharing such informative content.
Omg this is so scary. I never knew all this about Airfry dryers. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information.
Thank you so much for the detailed article. You have touched every aspect and the FAQ would give the answers to the remaining doubts if any.
Thank you for such fantastic article..I didn’t know about the don’ts mentioned, we all must know this before buying a airfreight…
I don’t use Air Fryers. I’m glad that I’m safe. Thank you so much for this wonderful post.
Such a great information you shared, it’s really helpfuL
This is such a great knowledge.. I never knew this much about the possible disadvantages of cooking in it.. thanks for breaking down all of it for us .. thanks ! Great article as always
Such a great article, you shared with us, , interesting
Woww such an informative blog
Such a detailed post… helpful too…very nice..I didn’t knew this before
Thank you for sharing all the information regarding Air Fryer. The air fryer seems to have so many cons. I dont use them at home, but my mom uses it, so I shall share these information with her.
This is an eye opener , I often use it for my mini baking !!
This is such a must know information who wants itto buy
It was in my ist and I want to buy it . Your detailed article make me think again about it .
Thanks for this information on air fryers.. it’s getting really popular these days☺️
Totally new topic for me!!your articles are well researched and detailed !!love this
Damn ! Never thought in this way , your article is really well written and detailed , loved it
I wanted to purchase a air fryer but had questions in mind. Your post helped me to clear my doubts.