Noses – we all have them. Being the central and the most prominent feature of your face, your nose is one of the first things that everyone notices in you. Your nose influences the overall appearance of your face and adds so much character to your looks.
Research has stated that the shape of a person’s nose has a significant impact not only on their self-esteem and how they see themselves but also on how they are perceived culturally by others. Do you know what is the biggest form of self-acceptance? It is loving your nose the way it is.
According to a recent study, different nose types can indicate the very first impression we create on people! However, while differences in nose shape may appear striking among different ethnic groups, this study found more similarities than differences among people from different ethnic populations, implying that we aren’t all that different after all.
The shape, size, and structure of your nose reveal many secrets about you. In this article, you will be reading about your personality just by looking at the shape of your nose.
Table of Contents
What Nose Shape Do You Have?
Your nose is one of the most special features of your face. Not just your eyes or body language, your nose has secrets too!
Every nose shape is unique and each one interestingly speaks volumes about our personality. The nose comes in different shapes and sizes which makes it even more fun to analyze what each implies. Does having a Roman nose mean you are courageous? What does an aquiline nose reveal?
Here are a few interesting little facts that you might want to know depending on your nose shape:
- If you have a large nose, you’re probably confident and powerful. You’re not afraid to speak up for yourself and you know how to get what you want.
- If you have a small nose, you’re probably shy and introverted. You’re selective with who you let into your life, and you prefer to keep to yourself.
- If your nose is crooked, you’re probably quirky and fun-loving. You don’t take life too seriously and you’re always up for a good time.
Do you find these facts fascinating? There are more exciting facts too!
For example, a hooked nose reveals that you are resourceful, strong, and determined, while an upturned nose indicates that you are cheerful and optimistic. Having a big nose is seen as a sign of good fortune, and having a small nose is often seen as a sign of beauty and refinement. A high nose bridge is seen as a sign of nobility and grace, while a French nose is associated with refinement and elegance. A pointed nose is often linked with creativity and intelligence while a flat nose is considered a sign of strength and good health.

The 7 Must-Know Different Types of Noses and What It Says About Your Personality
This article explores the seven different types of noses and what they reveal about your personality. Try and identify your nose, and see how accurate is your personality analysis! Read on to find out.
1. Roman Nose / Aquiline Nose

Roman nose or Aquiline nose protrudes from the face and has a sloping curve. The bridge is prominent and slightly curved or bent, giving it an appearance of a hook. It is hence referred to by different names such as ‘hooked nose’, ‘hawk’s nose, or ‘Italian nose‘. Anyone with this type of nose, whether a man or a woman, is thought to be very alluring.

Your characteristics if you have a Roman Nose
- You are particularly headstrong and possess leadership qualities. You pave your path as you progress and make an impact by motivating and influencing others too.
- You are highly ambitious love a good challenge and are unafraid to chase your dreams.
- You have a commanding personality and like to be in control of things.
- You are excellent strategists and well-organized.
- You have a realistic approach to life. This means you weigh the pros and cons carefully and don’t rush to make decisions.
- You are more career-minded and professional success is your utmost priority. You are a go-getter in both personal and professional lives and are happiest when you are working towards achieving your goals.
- You don’t put a lot of emphasis on emotions but you are caring and a kind-hearted person.
- You have a lot of mental stamina. Keeping your cool and being rational even in the toughest situations is one of your strongest traits.
2. Celestial Nose / Upturned Nose

Celestial means ‘heavenly’. A celestial nose, also known as an upturned nose is lengthy and curved with a dent in the middle of the nose bridge and a subtly upturned or protruding tip. This is a more feminine-looking nose that often has a gentle slope. People with this Tinkerbell kind of nose are very good-looking.

Your characteristics if you have a celestial nose:
- You are a kind and warm-hearted soul with nurturing qualities. You bubble with enthusiasm and are fiercely loyal to your friends and family who mean the world to you.
- You are overly optimistic and full of hope. No matter how many lemons life throws at you, you go ahead and still make lemonade.
- You are reliable and practical.
- This type of nose is different and so are the people who have it – truly unique, confident, and vibrant with a strong personality.
- Sometimes, you struggle to regulate all your emotions. You are carefree and a little all over the place.
3. Big Nose

A big-nosed person can either have a short or a long bridge. They have wider nasal tips with long nostrils. A person having a big nose with a bulbous tip and large nostrils possesses a mind of their own.
Your characteristics if you have a big nose:
- You are a born leader and aim to be a perfectionist in whatever you do.
- You believe in living life to the fullest. You are self-contained, confident, and carve your path, not depending on anybody to get the job done.
- You love to be your own boss and hate receiving orders and detest working for someone else.
- You are very efficient when it comes to money matters because of your practical nature.
- Study shows that the size of the nose is directly related to the power, ego, drive and desire to work independently. But sometimes you tend to be inconsiderate about other people’s feelings because of your ego.
4. Small Nose / Snub Nose

A small nose is also referred to as a snub nose. Small-nosed people have a short nose bridge, a nose tip pointing upwards with visible and flaring nostrils.
The small nose is button-like and small in length and width, with a slight but definite widening that is caused by a slight uplifting of the nose’s tip. The tip is neither round nor sharp. People with this type of nose are said to look snobbish, but they are generally cute and immature.

Your characteristics if you are a small-nosed person:
- Just as the name implies, this type of small nose screams cute and delicate. You are as sweet as sugar. You are loving, sensitive, emotional, affable, and very affectionate.
- You’re creative, spontaneous, fun, and full of energy with an endearing personality.
- You are pretty submissive but also have a certain love for freedom.
- You love what you do and enjoy being a good team player and a very helpful person.
- But you tend to have low self-esteem and would need to work on your self-esteem. Sometimes, you would find it difficult to express your opinion conclusively.
5. Greek Nose / Straight Nose

This type of nose is completely straight and has narrow nostrils. The bridge of this nose readily draws your attention to itself. The striking feature is the long and elegant bridge. The Greek nose is most commonly found in models and is considered to be very attractive by people.

Your characteristics if you are the Straight-sniffer:
- You are naturally intelligent, very helpful, logic-driven, and hard-working. You are highly dependable and trustworthy in any circumstances.
- You have a clear heart, are super tolerant, and well-balanced.
- You are resolute in what you set out to do, disciplined, and destined for success.
- You see the other people’s perspective in any argument and this sensible attitude of yours makes you everyone’s loyal friends.
- However, you tend to keep your emotions to yourselves and do not open up easily. You are hence considered to be a fairly serious individual.
6. Nubian Nose

The Nubian nose is an extension of the big nose, with a wider base and larger nostrils. This nose type is more uncommon than many other defined shapes but it is still very prominent.

Your characteristics if you are the owner of the Nubian nose:
- You are quite curious, open-minded, and creative.
- You are born charismatic, a versatile thinker, and emotionally expressive.
- You are a cautious optimist with leadership skills.
- You are always seeking new ways to learn things and approach issues and new experiences.
- Your humility is exceptional as you are someone who chooses to live a simple life despite being popular.
- Your ability to communicate your ideas is remarkable.
7. Fleshy Nose

A fleshy nose frequently has a fleshy nose tip that is turned slightly down. The fleshy nose has a narrow root and the wing of the nose is open and thick. This is one of the common types of nose shape and is mostly found in men. This nose is defined by the flesh.

Your characteristics if you are the bearer of a fleshy nose:
- You are a usually generous, emotional, kind, and sensitive person.
- You think fast and act even faster, accomplishing as much as possible.
- You may seem so ruthless and aggressive to the common people, but you are a very compassionate and dedicated partner to have.
- You are point blank and speak what is on your mind without sugarcoating it.
- You are a quick-witted, savvy, smart and sensible, and cautious person.

Type Of Nose Shapes By Ethnicity / Race
The nose is a facial feature that can sometimes be associated with a specific race or ethnic culture. The terms ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ are often used interchangeably. Race is something that we inherit across generations. Ethnicity refers to a person’s background heritage, culture, religion, ancestry, or sometimes the country where he was born.
Have you ever compared your nose to the beautiful influencers and celebrities that you see in the media and wish that your nose looked more like theirs – thinner, straighter? Well, you are not the only one.
Different people have different noses. Not by luck. Our body rarely does anything by accident, including our nose shape. So where does our nose shape come from?
Believe it or not, just like your skin color, your nose shape is also determined by your ethnicity and largely influenced by the genes that you inherit from your ancestors. Your noses are physical manifestations of your ancestors, telling the story of who you are and where you came from.
For example, if you have a long, narrow, thin nose with small nostrils, there is a high chance that your ancestors came from a cold climate.
Most ethnic groups have a distinct set of nose features that distinguish them apart from others.
1. Asian Nose

It is not so easy to generalize and categorize people by their nose shapes across such a vast region as Asia. Asian ethnic groups are numerous, as are nose shapes. However, most Asians have typical nose characteristics that include:
- low and wide nasal bridge,
- short nose,
- wide nasal base, and
- under-projected nasal tip
Asian noses are generally shorter with wider nostrils that lack definition. A lot of Asians have under-projected nose tips or bulbous tips. The two most common Asian types of noses are the flat nose and the small nose.
The Southeast Asian nose is distinguished by its thin, plain, short-tipped shape which means that they are generally thought to be shy, emotional, and spiritual. Whereas a lot of East-Asians are marked by their slim, flat-shaped, and shorter-tip noses which classify them as intriguing, calm, and helpful.
Chinese and Korean noses have not grown well enough and are small in comparison to the face, giving them the look of being broad. People with this type of nose are often seen as being artistic and introverted.
2. African Nose

When compared to other ethnic groups, Africans have the broadest and most notable nose. Their noses have elongated nostrils, wide and rounded tips, and no protruding nasal bridge. The flat, broad nose is supposedly more omnipresent among people in Africa. People with this type of nose are often seen as being friendly and warm-hearted.
The Nubian nose type, also known as the broad nose, is the most common in those of African descent. The people with this nose type are known for their candidness and goodwill.
Another type of nose mainly seen among African, Asian, and Latin Americans is the flat nose. Flat-nosed people are multi-skilled people who are mostly carefree and love to have fun.
West Africans have the broadest noses with the widest nostrils, while North Africans have the smallest wide noses.
3. European Nose

Europeans are known for their noses with narrow bridges. The most common nose among the Europeans is a narrower and more pointed nose indicating them to be intelligent and ambitious.
In early Europe, the aquiline nose symbolized beauty and nobility. In fact, for most of history, this particular nose shape was considered the most desirable shape.
People from North Europe have wide-based noses and projected tips while Northwest European natives have pointing-up noses.
The most common noses among the Indo-European ethnicities and Northern European countries are:
- The Roman nose with its fine features. It is predicted that 9% of worldwide people have this type of nose, which is associated with a brave, ambitious, and foresighted personality.
- The Greek nose with its subtle features without bumps is connected with tolerance, resilience, and an artistic disposition.
- The Upturned nose with projecting tip curved upwards. Approximately 13% of the world population have this nose type that is linked with a trustworthy, pragmatic, distinguished, and balanced personality.
In general, European people have slightly wider and longer noses compared to other ethnic groups in the world.
4. Mediterranean Nose
The Mediterranean race includes people from southern Europe to central Asia. Mediterranean ethnic groups are those ranging from Persian to Greek to Italian to Arab to Jewish.
A lateral hump over the nasal bridge, between the tip and forehead, distinguishes Mediterranean noses and they are highlighted by bulbous nasal tips. The noses are usually long, and the nose tip is broad and slightly flattening.
Arab nose shape has more to do with African ancestry than Mediterranean inheritance. Whatever the reason, Arab noses are thought to be similar to African noses. Their common feature is a rounded fleshy tip.
5. African American Nose
The African American noses are unique and distinguished by their skin and soft tissue. Their skin is thicker, and there is more fatty tissue in the nose.
The African-Americans usually have a smaller and lower nasal bridge, which is the upper bony part of the nose, wide and flared nostrils, and minimal projection of the nasal tip, also known as the puffy tip. In many cases, the top of their noses tends to be flatter, and are wider at the base and nostrils. Their nostrils stretch often when they smile.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the most common and popular nose shape?
The fleshy nose has a large, prominent shape and is bulbous. More than a quarter of all human noses, that is, more than 24% are fleshy, making it the most common nose type. This nose type is also known as “Einstein’s nose” as the renowned scientist Einstein had a fleshy nose.
2. Which type of nose is the most attractive?
A celestial nose also referred to as a turned-up nose is one of the most aesthetically and visually appealing nose shapes. It is considered attractive, especially, in women as the nose is ethereal, refined, soft, and narrow.
3. What is considered a perfect nose?
Opinions on a perfect and beautiful nose differ yet a nose that has a smooth profile, that is symmetrical and that is proportionate to the rest of the face is considered a perfect nose.
4. What does a person’s long nose say about them?
You may have a big nose if your nose has a protruding tip and larger nostrils. If you have this nose type, you believe in living in the moment and are naturally indulgent. You also have an ego problem and are not particularly sensitive to the feelings of others.
5. What does the shape of my nose reveal about my ancestry?
An anthropological study discovered that certain nose shapes were strongly linked to climate, implying that they were shaped by natural selection. Their findings shed light on how the human face has changed over time. There is evidence that your ethnic background influences the shape of your nose. Your unique nose shape was bestowed upon you by your forefathers for a very good reason.
6. Why is a Roman nose or aquiline nose also referred to as a hawk nose?
This nose shape is distinguished by a dramatic curved shape and a notable bridge, resembling the curved beak of a hawk or other predatory bird. Hence this Roman nose or aquiline nose is also known as the beak nose or the hawk nose and is an important factor in a strong profile.
7. Can I change my nose shape?
Some people are blessed to be born with a well-proportioned nose, but for those who fall under the second category of not loving your nose shape, you can do several things to improve the shape of your nose. Many exercises claim to change the shape of your nose. However, there is no evidence that these are successful.
Nose contouring is a temporary option to enhance the dimensions of your face. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reconstructs the nose’s bones and cartilages and has more significant and lasting effects. Nose jobs are not a new phenomenon but make sure you do it for the right reasons.
8. How do I contour my nose shape?
Contouring involves the use of a simple makeup technique that can help you to change and enhance the dimensions of your face, thereby creating your perfect nose shape. Just like how you choose your flattering hairstyle depending on your face shape, identifying your nose shape is essential for determining how to contour it properly.
For example, if you have a narrow nose, your nose will have a narrow and thin bridge. Contouring can be done by highlighting in two straight lines at both sides of your nose bridge.
9. Which type of nose is considered lucky?
The nose is the primary indicator of wealth potential. It is believed that the higher the nose bridge, the greater will be the success achieved. A high-bridge-nosed person has the destiny to rise to positions of great power and prominence. Generally, the fleshier the nose, the richer the person will become. A person with a fleshy nose tends to be very successful in their career too.
There’s no denying that your nose shape reveals a lot about your character. While some people might be self-conscious about their nose shape, it’s important to remember that each one of us is unique and special and our nose is undoubtedly custom-made for our face.
Although it is stated that the eyes are the mirror of your soul, your character and thoughts can be revealed by the shape of your nose. Therefore, in addition to being an essential physical component, your nose also serves as a genuine mirror that exhibits a person’s individuality.
What type of nose do you have? Do you agree with the personality traits described for your kind of nose? Does your personality fit the description? If you could swap your nose, which shape would you choose? Let us know in the comments below.
The above points are for general information purposes only.

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Interesting information on nose shapes
Now I have to go check my nose
Such informative and interesting article, was quite insightful ✌️❤️
Learn so much about noses.
This is an interesting article
Haha…i don’t know which is my nose type
This is ibteresting to read
I didn’t know nose have so many types!
What a interesting information!!
This is so interesting
great article!! i love it
This is interesting! But I’m not sure which type I m
Good to know
This is interesting. I think my nose is just a typical Asian nose. Lol
Didn’t know there so much to noses
Didn’t know there is so much to noses
Amazing and interesting article!
Such interesting tips for nose!
Amazing and interesting article on nose shape personality!!
Very nice N interesting
Interesting article on noses
the content is interesting!!!
but i dont know my nose type
Nice information to know more about nose
That’s so interesting but I’m not sure which type of nose I am
Very informative and interesting article about nose!
That is so interesting
wow let’s me see my nose shape
wow so interesting! brb going to see the mirror
so many information on nose shapes! never knew it!
Wow great article
Nice article! Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting and informative article❤️
Nice and informative!
In my life first time I hear about it, so interesting
Fun to know personalities
Never knew that about nose shaped so interesting!
Oh wow this is interesting.
Thats interesting now I know what my nose shape tells about me
I like the article, interesting!
Through your article, I understand more about my characteristics! Hehe, thanks!
this is really nice
So true and interesting
So true and interesting
Now I wonder what type of nose am I
This is so interesting
This is really what I need to know
This is such an interesting article
Interesting and useful articles!
This is so interesting to know!
Truly interesting haha!!!!
Nice article! Thanks for sharing..
ur analysis is interesting.
interesting facts. True abt my nose thou. hahaha
Wow this is so interesting
Thanks for the information
wow what a insightful article!
Thanks for the useful info!
What a great article!
What a good info
That’s an amazing thesis on noses. Presented well.
wow what a insightful article!
This is really interesting..